みなさん、こんにちは! Hello, guys!
To introduce ourselves in Japanese, we need to know some basic phrases. When we meet someone for the first time, we say:
— はじめまして!
— Nice to meet you!
『はじめまして』[hajimemashite] literally means “it’s the first time”, meaning it’s the first time you meet each other. Usually foreigners translate it as “Nice to meet you”. But better to think of it as “Nice to meet you at the first time!”
Then, it will be polite to introduce yourself.
— ナステゃです。
— My name is Nastya.
『ナステゃ』[Nastya] — is my name. Replace it with yours :)
『です』[desu] or [dess] — part of the sentence state-pattern. Just think of it as verb “to be”. We will investigate it later, in grammar section.